Emancipate The Girl Child

A friend of mine posted this on her facebook wall, 8 year old girl raped by a man and married to the rapist. I felt this to my soul. How can a man decide that sleeping with an underage girl is normal? Why will the girl's supposedly caring parents give the girl to the said rapist as his wife? What has this world turned to? Are there no laws protecting the weak, helpless and innocents? These thoughts ran through my head as i composed a short piece i titled What Am I? This is to help generate attention in a social media campaign to save this child.
The issue of the safety of the girl child should be included in bills to be deliberated on and passed into law.
Please do read the link above and share the hashtag #Favour8yroldrapevictimneedsjustice.


What am I?
Gratification, satisfaction?
The satiate of your pedophilic thoughts?
Groping hands, sly words and cruel grin.

What am I?
The gift of my mother's prayers?
Or the gift to my father's friends?
Smiling eyes, alcohol slippery, forced kiss.

What makes you, man?
Emasculated pervert preying innocents?
Standing at corners, spying...

Will help never come?
Will mother never see?
Dark chill night,
Shadows swirling down,
Soaking in sweat, tears, piss and early bleed.
Somebody help! He comes again...


Note: Girls, especially those below the age of consent need a voice to express their fears and pain as a result of the torments of sexual predators. I dedicate this poem to the fight for liberation of the girl child . peace


  1. reading your poem I reenter my own pain. I am that girl child .And we are still waiting in the dark. In every country in the world. I believe in the voices, like yours, raised for them, to demand an end to these savage acts of injustice.

    1. i apologies for making you revisit past pain. Its sad that in a world that claims civilization, devious actions and men are left, to go free. The fact that this girl is 8 today does not mean that she would never grow up one day. She would always remember and it will take a lot for the hurt to leave. Hitching her to the monster who raped her is tantamount to putting her on death row. Please do share this message and help the little girl. thanks for the comment


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