I lie in wait,
Deep within chill depths.
Smoke, drooling from my lips;
Chill dew, leaching my skin.

Soon, I am chosen.
Soon, I am revealed.
My innards -spilled;
My soul -emptied.

I lose the cold embrace
And I'm tossed to the earth.
I am rolled around,
Then placed with other used siblings

We stay there, empty;
Flies swimming in and out.
We stay there, waiting,
Then the strangers come.

A strange place,
A distant memory,
A place within a place.

I am washed,
Cleaned within,
Dressed without,
Then filled with liquefied heat
And its locked in.

I struggle to contain the bubbly soul within.
I burn, I thirst; the heat, the weight.
I stand with my brothers
And we go on a journey.

I scream;
I am taken from my brothers.
I find myself in a cold place,
With cousins and distant relatives;
Friends and strange brown foes.
I lay and am chilled.
And the circle of life continues.

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