Dark Poems


I have been quite busy for some days now, thus the absence of posts here. well am back again and got some new stuff to weaken your knees as we continue our exploration of the dark parts of man. 
I have two poems today, submitted by good friends of mine. I hope they reach you where ever you may be.
The first is by Eucharistus Valentino Omamogho, He is a really good poet (my personal opinion) and i do hope he would have the time and patience to contribute to this project of mine. His works can be found on voicesnet.com and on his facebook wall. He titles this one, Reach.
Eucharistus Valentino Omamogho

The Reach

Shadows have hidden me
The sun suddenly hates my path
The tunnel is dark
Claustrophobic,I scream help
My echo replies
So I close my eyes reaching out.

The child looks at his mother
Down's syndrome,drooling saliva
Terror in his eyes
Concern in mother's eyes
The child knows no love,only concern
He breaths his last reaching to love.

Here we stand,hand in hand laughing
Four years ago it was only a wish
Fighting for what we share
Falling in the dark pit of love
Drowning in the tide of this great sea
We would be living a wish in four years.

The next poem is by a very good friend, Oboerhiri Ojenikoh. She wrote this poem in memory of her dad, who passed away sometime back. His death affected her greatly as she shared a strong bond with him. She does not put a title to this piece; a spontaneous expression of feelings. 
Oboerhiri Ojenikoh


Memories of good times spent with you
With tender love and care, you gave the very best
Time heals, so I hear
Though your absence is still painful
The memories of you makes such pain bearable
Your words still jingle like bells in my head and heart

In preparation, you excelled

In discipline, you were the best teacher

As an example, you outshined them all

So hard, you worked to give the very best

Life threw a lot of hardship your way

Yet every hardship was a step up the ladder of greatness cos' you conquered them all

Silence, like the thick darkness of the night

Falls upon us

The sudden chill of the morning

All I can see are tears on faces
Praises of a conqueror are what I hear
Even in the cold arms of death, you were crowned a warrior

Memories, blissful and sacred are what comforts me

Words softly spoken echo in reminisce

I can't say goodbye

Though you've returned to dust
Yet you live in me
My father, my friend, my teacher, my mentor


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