Rants part one

 Surfing through the internet, i realised that there were certain poems i had written in my DELSU days, that were actually rants. I railed against everything then....LOL... i was a real mess then. These are some of my really warped works. They will tell a tale and they are nothing like my present works. I will deliver two each week until exhausted. The rants are usually quite lengthy, so you have to bear with me. Read at your own mental peril. Please these poems were written at a difficult time in my life, so please be gentle. Gracias.


My feelings explode into a thousand myriads
I am back again. The sorrowful bard
With his lines and rhymes that are weak and sad.
I come from the elementary roots of my progenitors,
Replying to the deep rallies of my generation.
I have come to keep a date with time and fate,
To use those powers I consider desperate
In the initiation of my fight with fate.
In faith, I repeat my estimate
Of life’s numerous forbidden conjectures
That makes the junction
The beginning of confusion,
Because the paths connection
Is twisted in desperation.
I for one, with temptation
At my abode, loses function
In my correspondence and initiations
In life’s numerous forbidden thought creation.

I have wrestled with despair
In my source, raw and vital.
I have conquered and overran
Seduction of the mind deep in the
Artificial high created by narcotic inhibition.
I have changed schools of thought
Several times, still searching for the truth.
(This poem is as bulky as it can get)

In the origin of my being, I despair
Of salvation in order to repair
And bring my name to bear
In matters so dear
Special in context and fair
In short, truly fair.
Time rushes in a hurry,
I try to do all in a flurry,
Just to be caught in a gaping story.
My mouth is shut,
I am back in my origin
And return intact.


Shadows lengthen as the day draws
Like a baby savouring the sweetness of
Catarrh in its nostrils, it draws.
I am lost as the shadows of rough
Nights falling like a veil covering the future.

Protection I deserve, I have not.
Run away from the tent into the rain.
Forget typhoid, cold, malaria but
Remember immune deficiency syndrome
In its unforgiving reign as king.

Pieces of life fall like broken glass
As my conscience plays Hamlet on my mind.
But having read little or nothing in classes,
I relax in contented arrogance
With fear and forbidden corruption in reign.

Depression convolutes my being,
The hands of the clock has turned
Full circle, it has turned. Hidden
Between sheets of lies, I lay, burnt
By the very truths I hold sacred.

Corrupted is my soul
Not fit for companionship.
I have been a useful tool.
In front of the t-junction
I have stood, yet the wrong path I took.

My confusion comes later
When my materialistic being has
Been laid to rest, rather
Than letting it rot in front as they pass;
Mourners, onlookers to see my corpse.

I die, but I have died before now.
A thousand times I have died to bow
To the evils that pervades the sanctity
Of my inner sanctum, all desecrated. What a pity!


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